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Camaro Firebird Owners Club of Australia Inc.
2024 Member Satisfaction Survey

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The Camaro Firebird Owners Club of Australia Inc. is looking to understand the experiences of its members in order to make any necessary changes to ensure we continue to provide quality services and benefits. To help us achieve this, we invite you to participate in our 2024 Member Satisfaction Survey. Including your name with your valuable feedback will allow us to seek clarification if needed, ensuring we fully understand your comments and experiences.


The survey consists of 16 questions and should take just a few minutes to complete.


We kindly ask you to complete the survey before 30 June 2024, so we can share the results at the next Club Meeting.


Thank you in advance for your feedback and time!

4. Which types of events do you enjoy the most? (select all that apply)
6. How effective do you find the club's communication?
8. Are you interested in purchasing club branded merchandise to wear to club events?
9. What types of merchandise would you like to have available? (select all that apply)
10. Do you find the club magazine valuable?
11. What type of additional content would you like to see in the club magazine? (select all that apply)
12. Do you prefer to receive a digital or print version of the club magazine?
13. How often do you currently visit our club website?
14. What additional features would you like to see on the club website? (select all that apply)
15. Overall, how satisfied are you with the club? (on a scale of 1 to 10 - 1 being least satisified - 10 being most satisified)

Thank you for submitting your CFOCA Member Satisfaction Survey. Your feedback and time is greatly appreciated!

Sorry, our CFOCA Member Satisafaction Survey is now closed.

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